I am incredibly passionate about providing a high quality learning experience for all and I am very proud to be Principal at Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School. My colleagues and I are very much looking forward to meeting you and for you to become part of our exciting Wiseman community, a community of faith supported by our core compass for life values of: respect, knowledge, resilience and ambition. I am passionate about making sure that you have the chance to thrive and succeed , to learn as much as you can in the time that you have with us so that you can go on and have a life filled with excitement and joy. I am excited to meet you and looking forward to our journey together!
Mr Everett
Transition Team 2024
Get to know Cardinal Wiseman
Year 7 – September 2024
Please contact the Transition Team if you have any questions or queries using the following dedicated email address: transition.cw@romeromac.com