Over the last 12 months the Special Educational Needs (SEND) offering at Cardinal Wiseman has been transformed with the development of our Trinity department.
We now have an extended base within school enabling us to offer a wider tailored intervention programme focusing on specific students needs. The interventions we offer support our students in the 4 areas of need: Social, Emotional, and Mental Health, Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Sensory. The interventions are delivered by our trained HLTA’s. Interventions can vary, however we have Read, Write, Inc, IDL Literacy/Numeracy, Lego Therapy, Anger Gremlin, Social Skills, and Zones of Regulation.
These intervention programmes are usually based over a 6 week period. An intervention based approach to SEND supports our Knowledge based curriculum and is proven to provide an effective means of ensuring students can access the curriculum in order to make progress at school.
In addition we have continued to build strong relationships with external agencies in order to ensure our support for all SEND students is effective. We liaise with CCT (Complex Communication Team), SEMHL Team (Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Hearing), Sensory Team, and the Educational Psychology Service.
It is key that we, the SEND team, work effectively and productively with parents/carers. Parents/Carers of students on the SEND register will be invited to attend at least 3 meetings per year to discuss their child’s progress however anyone with any concerns is encouraged to raise these with the SENDCo, Mrs J Gill (J.gill@romeromac.com). You will be notified when a parent’s evening is coming up so that if you need to, you can make an appointment to see the SENDCo.
We work in close partnership with a number of schools and external providers to ensure that our pupils have access to the very best professional services. We also recognise that many of our staff have developed the skills which have enabled them to become experts in specific fields of Special Educational needs.
Most recently we have been working with partner Catholic schools to develop a network of support for small groups of pupils who are currently under assessment for EHCPs or require further specialist teaching and support to enable them to succeed in mainstream education.
If you would like to discuss the outreach work with the Cardinal Wiseman SEND team, please contact Mrs J Gill, SENDCo (J.gill@romeromac.com).