At Cardinal Wiseman, we believe that our students deserve an education that is accessible, rigorous, and rooted in a deep knowledge of faith, school virtues and the best that has been thought or said. Our curriculum has been carefully designed and sequenced to ensure that students’ knowledge builds over time in a logical manner. We have fostered cross curricular links to ensure that learning across the school compliments, our “Compass for Life” and giving students an interdisciplinary approach to key topics. Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is challenging but engaging. This strategy is designed to close the gap between our advantaged and disadvantaged students subtly, fostering a studious and academic atmosphere in the classroom. By the time our students reach their examination courses, they are equipped with the knowledge and skills that enable them to achieve their God given potential. Quite simply, our knowledge-based curriculum allows our students to discern their vocation, achieve success and prepare them for the world with Christ at the Centre of everything we do.
At Cardinal Wiseman we firmly believe in the advantages of a knowledge- rich curriculum. Each department has taken a prominent role in implementing this style of curriculum where appropriate. We appreciate that teachers are the experts in their subject areas, they impart their knowledge through quality first teaching which enables students to acquire the knowledge they need to know in the subjects that they study. Lessons have been structured in a way to ensure that they are challenging and aspirational and students are exposed to high levels of vocabulary. Each of our lessons are based on the theory of repetition and practice ensuring that knowledge is cumulative and consolidated throughout each term so that it is secure and able to be recalled throughout their time at Cardinal Wiseman.
We have implemented a 2 week timetable consisting of 50 lessons. Each lessons lasts 60 minutes. The breakdown for Key Stage 3 is as follows:
Key Stage 3
We run a three year Key Stage 3 which we believe allows pupils to access the broadest possible range of subjects before choosing to specialise at Key Stage 4. The subject allocation is shown below:
Eng | Ma | Sci | RE | Fr | Sp | Geog | Hist | Art & Tech | Mu | PA | ICT | PE | |
Y7 | 3.5 | 3 | 3 | 2.5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Y8 | 3 | 3 | 3.5 | 2.5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Y9 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3 | 2.5 | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Pupils also benefit from a wide range of enrichment activities outside of normal lessons including literature club, modern dance and sports clubs. Please click here for further information about our extended curriculum offer. It is the expectation that all pupils will partake in a range of this extra curricular offer to further enhance their experience of cultural and historical aspects of life in modern Britain.
Key Stage 4
Key Stage 4 is a two year programme with students selecting their options during Year 9. Students are taught English, Maths, RE and Science as core subjects. There is also the opportunity for students to take separate or ‘Triple’ sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics).
Year 10
Our tutors and external CAIEG advisors will help pupils select the most appropriate option choices. Pupils are asked to select three further qualifications from the following two option blocks; one from Option A and two from Option B:
Option A (Humanity Subject)
Geography, History, or additional English and Maths
Option B
GCSES: Art, Business Studies, Photography, 3D Design, French, Spanish, Polish, Geography, History, Business Studies and Computer Science, Sociology, and PE.
VOCATIONAL: Health and Social Care, Sport Science, Performing Arts (Drama), Business and Enterprise, Music, Food and Cookery, and Imedia.
Year 11
Pupils are asked to select two further qualifications from the following two option blocks; one from Option A and from Option B:
Option A
History, Geography, or additional English and Maths
Option B
As for Year 10 above.
Eng | Ma | Sci | RE | Options (Per subject) | Core PE | |
Y10 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 1 |
Y11 | 5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 1 |
If you have any further queries please contact Mr A Pearse, Assistant Vice Principal on
Post 16 Study (Key Stage 5)
Level 3 Courses:
Cardinal Wiseman Catholic Sixth Form offers a diverse range of Level 3 courses designed to suit your ability and to equip you for Post-18 study or employment. Students who achieve at least 5 GCSE/BTEC grade 9-4 including Maths and English can choose from both academic and vocational subjects (listed below), provided that relevant subject specific entry requirements are met. The majority of students follow three Level 3 courses but those who have achieved exceptionally well at Key Stage 4 may be offered the opportunity to study four Level 3 courses. Most Level 3 courses are studied for two years with public exams taken at the end of Year 13, however, students eligible to study a fourth course may elect to sit a public exam after one year and gain an AS-Level.
A-Level Subjects: Art, Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, Further Mathematics, Geography, History, Mathematics, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, RE, Photography, Physics, Psychology, Sociology.
Vocational Subjects: Applied Science, Business Studies, Health and Social Care, ICT, Media, and Sports Science.
Foundation Course:
This course is offered to newly arrived students. The course primarily focuses on developing the literacy and numeracy skills necessary to undertake further education at Level 1, 2 or 3.